Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Kiteboarding - update

Yesterday one of my fears was realized... I lost my board out in the bay.  I am still learning - not up on the board yet.  But I saw another guy taking lessons, and they were having him body drag while holding the board.  I decided that would be a good thing to do.  Except...  obstacles...

The beach has a few swimming areas with shark nets (sharks are rare in that area, but they do travel up the river on the other side).  There was also rock jetty just south of the net.  I was out maybe three times the length of the jetty.  As I was playing with the kite and turning around to head back in - ideally towards the place where I first left the beach - I did a kite loop that threw me a bit off, and I dropped the board as I regained control. I surveyed the situation, thinking about how to maneuver back to my board, while also checking out how much distance I had before I would get too close to the net.  I felt like I probably could have gotten the board, but if I started getting too close, I could always head away from shore and leave the board.  But then a guy on a board whizzed by and yelled, "Go back!"   

This made me reassess.  I think he thought I wasn't paying attention to the net that I was drifting towards, or that I wouldn't be able to move away from it if necessary.  So in that moment, I decided to head back to shore - BUT - go around the net and jetty to the next open strip of beach downwind rather than trying to cut back in and risk having my kite drift into the netted area.

So it takes me awhile to get past the net and jetty.  In hindsight, I probably could have used the kite to power downwind a lot faster, but since I was unnerved about dropping my board, decided to go gently.  I actually enjoyed being out in the water, though I didn't want to do any loops with the kite and risk losing control and wearing myself out.  By the time I get back to shore, get my kite landed, and walk back around, the instructor who was standing on shore motioned that the other guy had brought my board to shore.  I hadn't walked past it, so I thought maybe he put it with all the other equipment.  I looked everywhere, then ran into the guy who had brought it in.  He said he dropped it on the shore by the shark net.  I walk back twice.  I ask a few people on the beach.  Nothing.  Later, I run into him again and he says "there were some people looking at it when I put it on the shore; they could have picked it up."  

The board had a sticker on it with my phone number, and since I bought it used, the previous owner's number, though pretty faded.  So I was hoping maybe when I got home to my phone, there might be a message.  Nope.  Now my conundrum...  That board was $650 USED - not cheap!   I'd love to get a split board - would be easier to carry on my motorcycle.  But a split board is twice that price.  Until I get up to speed, I should probably just get a cheap board.  But even a cheap board is a lot of money to lose. Sigh.

Also of note... I don't feel like I need more lessons at this point - I feel like I just need more practice.  When I do something wrong, I feel like I know what I did wrong, and it seems silly to pay someone a lot of money to tell me what I'm doing wrong.  If I don't feel like I'm making progress, sure, then I'll consider more lessons.  But for now, I just need more time on the water.  

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