Monday, August 26, 2019

Baby culture

I grew up in a place where everything revolves around the family - having children; family activities.  If you don't have children, there's probably something wrong with you.  Having children is right; not having children is wrong... gay? medical problem?  It's not a choice; it's mandatory unless you have a valid excuse; a note from your doctor; people whisper.  So Facebook comes along and everyone's posting ultrasound photos.  Then someone invented the gender announce party.  I guess I wasn't really surprised to see the photo above.  What sorta surprised me was the amount of plastic involved in these pregnancy tests.  OK, maybe it's the equivalent of a toothbrush... nope - I looked it up - there are actually electronics involved in what could be a simple dipstick.  So not just plastic - electronic waste.  Inside is a CR2016 battery, three LEDs, the processor, and of course, the readout screen.  Seriously?!  This test could be performed by a simple dipstick, but in their moment of crisis (or aspiration?), people can't wait for ambiguity.  Except (see above)... three days in a row?  Because... ambiguity.

So while some places are considering banning plastic straws, in the land where having children is mandatory, I wonder how many of these pregnancy tests are going into the electronic waste bin versus landfill?  Why am I not happy for the young couple?  Why are environmentalists such killjoys?!  This device... well, it's slightly worse (more electronic waste) than the music-playing greeting card.  Of course I'm happy for them.  But I'm a bit shocked at the evolution of pregnancy tests from frogs to rabbits to whether it turns blue to... electronic waste?   Are environmentalists really killjoys?  Somehow we need to repackage the message to compete with the marketing of electronic waste - for the future of the children whose existence is being detected.

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