Grocery store queue etiquette part deux... Don't know if people recall my grocery store check-out story? Since then, I've decided that it must be considered unspoken, common courtesy here that if someone only has a couple of items, and you have a lot, you let them go first. I mean, it's sort of a thing in the US, *however* I'm so used to not having many items that it doesn't really register with me. So... a few weeks ago, I'm checking out and a woman behind me is just STARING at me. I'm thinking wtf, am I wearing something weird; no? I don't even see that she has anything, and I think I was already checking out when she got behind me (or at least had my stuff, fewer than 10 items? on the belt). Anyway, as I'm paying, she puts... a box of bandaids on the belt. That's it. And she's sort of staring at me as she does it. Wait - was I supposed to *notice* she had only a box of bandaids? Who knows. Maybe she was just psycho.
But TODAY'S weirdness... I go to the store JUST to get cash back from debit card. Of course, I buy some stuff. I'm at check-out and some guy decides he's going to pile all his crap flush with mine, with no divider between them. He actually apologizes or something, as he runs to get another item. I didn't really hear what he said -I'm listening to a podcast with my earbuds. Anyway, I get the divider; no big deal, but when he comes back he's STANDING waay too close - personal space. wtf dude? And I've got my card out, because I want to get cash back. He asks how much something I have costs? I dunno - she scans it, there ya go - but his DISTRACTION of asking me that, and I've got my card out where he can see it - I FORGET to say cash back (I'm thinking the swipe machine automatically pops up the option, but it doesn't - you have to tell them first). Shit. I had gone to the store to get some cash, and all I got was some weird guy, now I'm paranoid he really was after my PIN number or something.
Yeah - I need to get out of the house more - but this smoke in the air from the bush fires makes you not feel like doing much.
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