Monday, January 27, 2020

Storm run-off

What I find interesting about this article is Washington DC's approach, but also, that someone recently suggested a similar concept not for raw sewage leakage, but for Sydney Australia's water shortage.  The person suggested that Sydney's run-off should be captured by a system such as this and that would help reduce the water shortage problem.  I might add, the City Council in which I reside has program incentives for building permits to reduce hard spaces and create spaces where storm water will be more slowly released.  To my knowledge, Australians don't use wells for water as much as the US does - it seems in many locations the water is unsuitable for drinking.  The storm water reduction effort is largely to keep water at the beaches cleaner.

E.P.A. Is Letting Cities Dump More Raw Sewage Into Rivers for Years to Come

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Difficult goodbyes

This post is about leaving Facebook, which I intend to do in the near future.  My two strongest beliefs in this moment are 1. that the current President of the United States is not fit for that office and 2. the management of Facebook is not fit for the level of access to personal data that they have.  I don't believe that either of those entities will ever be capable of the level of responsibility they should have.  They may have earned their position, and taking it away from them may be difficult, but it's past time, and damage has been done.