Two years in, I'm going to repeat myself. Halloween sort of works in Sydney, even if it's out of context. Thanksgiving? Forget it. Australia should never even consider adopting another continent's holiday that falls at the wrong time of the year for celebrating harvest.
And while we're winding up for the Christmas season (unlike the US government, Australia's has more historical ties to the Anglican Church) - I've got nothing against Australians celebrating their religious holiday in the middle of the summer. What disturbs me though, is adopting winter solstice trappings for what is locally a summer solstice event (and they poke fun at POMs?!).
Australia seems only to have recently come to its senses in terms of locally appropriate celebrations surrounding winter solstice (you know - when it's cold and the days are short). Sydney's Festival of Lights is a fine beginning for what should be a season of holidays in the Southern Hemisphere, to brighten spirits on those dark days. Oh sure, I'm a newcomer here - Australia is going to do whatever the hell it wants. But my contribution to this cultural stew is to urge more locally appropriate holidays - holidays or celebrations that fit with local harvests and the solstices as they are locally experienced; not based on the opposite side of the planet. Stand up, Australia!